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SOLD DATE : 10/15/2018
Key Details
Sold Price $140,000
Property Type Vacant Land
Listing Status Sold
Purchase Type For Sale
Subdivision National City
MLS Listing ID 180006466
Sold Date 10/15/18
Property Description
This is a 10,009 square foot lot with fantastic views to the west of Downtown. The minimum lot size in this area is 5,000 square feet so there is potential for a lot split. We assume that the driveway on the east side of the property will be able to be used for the main access. Please make sure you or your client check with the city/building designer as to development potential. We understand that National City does allow granny flats in addition to the main house. This may add potential value to the lot. We understand that all utilities are available in the area. Neighborhoods: National City Other Fees: 0 Sewer: Sewer Available
State CA
County San Diego
Area 91950 - National City
Zoning R-1
Fireplace No
Fence Partial
Lot Description Rolling Slope
Tax ID 5582621500
Acceptable Financing Cash
Listing Terms Cash
Financing Cash
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Bought with Raul Zarate • Kaza Realty

"My job is to find and attract mastery-based agents to the office, protect the culture, and make sure everyone is happy! "